when she overheard this sweet, little
voice say, "Kate, do you want a bite?"
Grandy acted quickly and caught it in the making.
He has it written all over him, brotherly love. In fact, he is smitten with his little sister.
He starts off the mornings getting to wake her up by crawling up on her crib and saying "Wake up, pooh bear," and they share giggles. He lets her get in the middle of his trains without making a fuss even though she usually escapes with two of them in hand. Every day when I pick him up from preschool his first question is, "Can we go get Kate?" He reads Goodnight Moon to her. He kisses her nite-nite. He includes her in his bedtime prayers, "Thank you for Kate." They have even begun the fun floor- wrestling matches where giggles are abundant. What can I say, he hearts his sis.
Thankfulness (part two):
- for the feeling of Kate's head on my shoulder and her chest on mine during the middle of the night when she needs some extra comfort and cuddles.
- for the tight neck-squeezing hugs from Evan.
- for my husband: knowing how to play hard and work hard (especially on a build-it-yourself playset)
- for a date night with my hubby where we didn't think twice about ordering what we really wanted along with a glass of wine...and for the ones that helped make it happen (Lolly & Grandy).
- for the giving lady working at Kroger's who took extra time, without request, and without charging me extra to make a special purchase even more special (playing the Bane Bane game without even knowing it or Bane).
- for the time spending the day with my mother and then dinner with my sister and my niece which is regretfully becoming a rarity with busy schedules.
- for a couple of "five-minute-catch-up-with-friends" phone calls I have had this week.
- for a family trip up to Murray, KY tomorrow to attend a "petite" birthday party.
- for the "life lessons" I have experienced over the last couple of months...lessons that you have learned so well that you are living them out daily or so you think and then when the unthinkable happens, realizing that there is a lot more to life than you have ever thought previously. And now, I think about the more-to-life part, everyday.
- for these two below:

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